Mitch is one of the hosts of Easy English, he is also the video editor and is there to respond to any comments or questions you might have. Mitch was born in the North of England and now lives in Brighton, he loves listening to soul, hip-hop and Britpop music, going on outdoor adventures and watching and making movies, keep an eye out for small film references in his episodes.
Mitch has hosted 64 Episodes.
51: Breakfast Club
October 1st, 2024 | 19 mins 32 secs
This week, Isi and Mitch discuss the most important meal of the day with their "Break-cast".
50: Reacting to British Memes
September 25th, 2024 | 16 mins 56 secs
This episode is available to watch on our YouTube channel to celebrate our 50th episode!
go to to watch it now! -
49: The Oasis Reunion
September 2nd, 2024 | 17 mins 35 secs
Oasis are back!
In this episode, Mitch and Isi discuss their cultural importance in the 90s and the UK. -
48: British Stereotypes... Fact or Fiction?
August 19th, 2024 | 20 mins 1 sec
British weather... drinking tea... bad teeth... politeness... and bad food. These are all British stereotypes... but are they ALL true?
47: Bad Animals... Good PR
August 5th, 2024 | 18 mins 19 secs
Dolphins, cats, hippos, ducks, bears, donkeys and swans... this time we're coming for the bad animals that have the best PR in the business!
46: What is the Best Month?
July 22nd, 2024 | 21 mins 23 secs
The FREE Easy English Brighton meetup, the general election, Southgate's resignation, sunsets, snow, BBQs, pumpkins and Christmas... this week we are talking about the best months of the year.
45: Good Animals... Bad PR
July 8th, 2024 | 19 mins 35 secs
Sharks, spiders, rats, ravens, foxes, pigs and killer whales! This week we're talking about the the bad reputations in the animal kingdom.
44: Boomer Slang
June 24th, 2024 | 21 mins 10 secs
Wizards, Harry Potter, E.T., Seal, idolising children, bagpipes and summer solstice. That only means one thing... the European Championship has begun? Mitch and Isi also talk about Boomer slang words... ever heard of a boob-tube?
43: General Election... in a Nutshell
June 12th, 2024 | 21 mins 23 secs
Rishi, Bojo, Cameron, Sean Connery, national service, the Rwanda plan, Independence Day and the NHS... yes, that means it's general election time in the UK and US. Listen to Mitch and Isi as they give you the political low-down this week and also answer questions from you and Manuel in the regular segment of Unhelpful Advice... turtle power!
42: Sport Weekender
May 27th, 2024 | 22 mins 31 secs
This week, Mitch and Isi talk sport! Bayern, Man United, last minute promotions, southern Man City fans, the Fury-Usyk fight, the traveller dialect, Jürgen Klopp & heavy metal football!
41: Eurovision Recap
May 14th, 2024 | 19 mins 54 secs
Irish witches, hot-pant sparklers, rapping on spinning discs and naked Finnish men... it can only be the Eurovision Song Contest. Mitch and Isi discuss the night's spectacles, whilst also recapping their first ever Easy English meetup and seeing the Northern Lights... in Brighton?!?!
40: Oh, So Very British!
April 30th, 2024 | 20 mins 30 secs
Bad Omens, Mr Whippy, Brighton Rock, arcades, fish and chips, beach huts, deck chairs psycho killers and the iconic 99 with a Flake are this week's subjects as Mitch and Isi talk about what really is oh, so British.